Ronit Jha
Born on:May 29, 2006     
Look at my smile
Don't you think I am cute?
Hello everyone ,

Just thought I should introduce myself to you guys.
         I am Ronit Jha, son of Mala & Ratnesh Jha. Since I am too small to read and write, I just had my parents create this beautiful website.
         I like when my parents take me for a long drive, it feels so great.

Nowadays I laugh a lot and love to watch TV. I don't know what they talk about but I kinda understand what they meant. he..  he.. and you know I started talking to my parents recently. I call ma... ma.. wherever I need to change and when I am hungry. I love my pa.. pa.. he always tells me story and tries to make me laugh whenever I am not in a good mood.
          You will see this site getting updated regularly since I promised my parents that I will not cry without a reason and drink milk and sleep on time.